My sister came to me yesterday to say they had a dog show on Saturday where there was going to be a raffle to help raise money for a little boy who needs an operation and could i make something. She had saw candles I had made another sister of her scan photos and said shed love it if i could put photos of dogs on candles. Luckily I had two small pillar candles at home I hadn't got round to using at Christmas.
(Excuse the terrible pictures but my phone was on charge and they were on way to collect them so... lol) anyways... these are the candles I ended up with. (She chose dog breeds to go on them.)

After having the candles done, i thought they were a little plain looking so tried making a box for them. I attempted the milk carton box i saw on YouTube (a Pootles video) and changed the measurements of the base to suit. The lid proved a tad difficult and i ended up giving up after not wanting to waste anymore card lol. This is the candles in their boxes. (I also made an extra box an inch high to sit inside the main one upside down so the candles would sit higher in the box and ypu could see more of the picture).

Of course I thought I was finished now so went to get a bad to put them in til thwy were collected. Then I remembered I had acetate and thought an acetate lid would be pretty on thwm and keep them pretty. So I looked out the acetate, scored at the measurements i thought and cut the A4 sheet in half so it would do both candles. Once i started sticking it, i realised i had forgot tontake into acvount the flat bit at the top of the lid so essentially all I had were four sides. I went in and tried them on the boxes and actually liked how they looked. Happy accidents and all that.
Finally my candles were complete and I actually really like them now.
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