It was my mums partners birthday on Sunday and I hadnt got round to buying a present for him yet so whats a girl to do lol.
I bought a few candles earlier on Sunday for a few customer orders so I thought a picture of him and my mum in Canada would be nice to put on one. I wasnt sure how the photo would come out but it turned out better than I was expecting and he loved it so better again. :)
My little piece of heaven where I come to display some of the cards and various other crafty bits and pieces that help keep me out of badness :p.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Another candle!
Friday, 24 July 2015
Candles :)
My sister came to me yesterday to say they had a dog show on Saturday where there was going to be a raffle to help raise money for a little boy who needs an operation and could i make something. She had saw candles I had made another sister of her scan photos and said shed love it if i could put photos of dogs on candles. Luckily I had two small pillar candles at home I hadn't got round to using at Christmas.
(Excuse the terrible pictures but my phone was on charge and they were on way to collect them so... lol) anyways... these are the candles I ended up with. (She chose dog breeds to go on them.)

Friday, 17 July 2015
Monster high :)
Me again! Obviously :p.
So... sitting this evening watching tv and all of a sudden remembered I have a friends daughters birthday tomorrow and havent got round to making her a card yet! (Truth be told i actually forgot but shh... lol).
Thankfully a while back i had bought Monster High digital papers on etsy for this reason (she told me she loved monster high one day in passing) so i knew making the card shouldnt take too long! Half an hour later, the card was complete!
Although i don't use the kits i buy from etsy very often, they definitely come in really useful for last minute cards like these as i tend to buy ones with images aswell so everything is there and all i need to do is choose the papers and image i want, print and stick.
This was the card I ended up with. Hope you like :). x
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Birthday cards!
Before heading away on holidays, my aunt asked me to make a couple of cards for two of her children who would have birthdays while we were away. Both recipients will have received the cards by now so I guess its safe to show them :). I wasnt given any specifications for these cards but seeing as I know one of my cousins is an avid footballer, I knew exactly what card I wanted to make.

Harry potter card
Well thats me back from my holidays.
Had a great time away in the sun but back to reality now and the typical N.Ireland weather. On the upside tho... its perfect weather to craft. Especially since i received an order for a Harry Potter themed card while I was away. I was given no specifics other than shed like a Harry image on the front and inside she wanted it to read 'Hufflepuff Out Your Candles' which i found quite amusing. Using items i bought on etsy and others i got from google (not sure what copyright is for HP but seeing as no money is being exchanged for this one, I hoped it'd be allowed :s) this is the card i came up with.
The red and yellow matt layers are from papermill direct (love their card). The image is added using 3d foam pads for dimension as is the Hogwarts crest inside the card.
I also added a crest to the envelope to tie it in with the card. Quite happy with it overall :)